Richard A. Madsen, Jr. has multiple years of experience in helping clients with their sex offenses needs in Alameda, CA. Contact me. If you have been accused of prostitution, you could benefit from contacting an Alameda prostitution lawyer to discuss your options.Call our law office now, or fill out the contact form to schedule a free initial consultation today. Free Consultation 510-333-4564. The state currently bars attorneys from coercing a client into sex or demanding sex in exchange for legal representation. 415-854-4970. Serving Alameda, CA (San Francisco, CA). A Sexual Abuse -- Plaintiff firm representing clients in the Oakland Metro area. As with most sex crimes in the State of California, many innocent people are wrongly accused of rape. Find the best family attorney serving Alameda. The Law Offices of Gerard A. Falzone provide Divorce and Family Law legal support for Alameda and Marin Counties.