To learn more about how we can help you, read our Community Intake Services brochure or call our Community Intake Advocates at 718-838-7878. NMIC provides free legal services including support from paralegals and full representation from staff attorneys.Part of the Solution (POTS) offers their Case Management program to provide for the basic needs and hunger for individuals who are in need of assistance. The Division of Human Rights complaint form is available at the below link. You may use this form to file and submit your complaint online. These Patients' Rights and Responsibilities are designed to establish an equal and effective partnership between doctors, health care providers and patients. Our Patient Advocates are here to help guide you through the services and programs we offer to get the best health care possible for you and your family. Legal Advocates assist clients in a variety of ways. In New York State, all patients are guaranteed rights and protections that ensure the quality and safety of their healthcare. Offers free civil legal advice and representation in the areas of Public Benefits, Family Law, Immigration, and Education Law.