Upjohn Court to determine which employees fall within the scope of the privilege to former employees. See 106 F.3d at 606.Attorneyclient privilege recognizes that, in order to provide sound legal advice, an attorney must be fully informed. A company's attorney-client privilege does not shield interviews with former employees, at least according to a state supreme court's divided opinion. Attorney List must fill out an application available in the Court Services Office in Room 203 in the Fairfax County Courthouse. This article provides a refresher on the parameters of the attorneyclient privilege and briefly discusses relevant case law addressing the application. AttorneyClient privilege refers to a legal privilege that works to keep confidential communications between an attorney and his or her client secret. Please fill out the form if you are an employee or former-employee in need of our assistance. Click Here to Fill Out Form. Seek out a qualified attorney as soon as possible.