✓ Attorneys must, before entering into a client relationship, establish and verify the identity of prospective clients to engage in a business. An attorney is obliged to report to a client on progress in a matter.New Lawyers Division Clinic​​ Appointments are telephonic. To apply, fill out the NLC Client Intake form HERE, or call 206-267-7070 and leave a message. The process of transitioning to a new lawyer is relatively simple. Once you consult with and hire a new lawyer, the new lawyer will take the following steps. Nussbaum, 11 F. Supp. Before establishing an attorney-client relationship, you will need to determine if you have a conflict of interest prohibiting your representation. Next of kin is usually defined as a person's closest living relative: it's someone who may have inheritance rights and obligations. 100 W Martin Luther King Blvd.