The attorney-client relationship affords a distinct, invaluable right to have communications protected from compelled disclosure to any third party. The prudent thing to do if the attorney has advised both sides is to get out of the case completely and not represent either side.Malpractice claims can arise at nearly any time in the attorney-client relationship, and involve work performed years before. (g) A lawyer who represents two or more clients shall not participate in making an aggregate settlement of the claims of or against the clients, absent court. The Court also discussed how the attorney-client agency relationship can nullify a tortious interference claim against an attorney: These analyses primarily rely on the ABA Model Rules, which represent a voluntary organization's suggested guidelines. If you think your lawyer has violated an ethical rule, you may file a complaint with the disciplinary board in the state where the lawyer is licensed. In bringing the motion, the duty of confidentiality applies and cannot be revealed in the motion. The fee may not interfere with client's right to discharge the attorney at any time. Loyalty and independent judgment are essential elements in the lawyer's relationship to a client.