Effective July 1, 1994, the Minnesota Supreme Court implemented a new rule of professional conduct that proscribes sex with a current client. It is a rule about misuse and overreaching in the Attorney-Client relationship.Lawyers get disbarred for sleeping with clients fairly. E. A therapist must not engage in any sexual behavior with a client. You will not likely be in trouble, other than the hassle to get a new lawyer and potentially get a refund of some of your prepaid fees. In the realm of Minnesota criminal law, this privilege enables you to share sensitive details without fear of repercussion. In Minnesota, a rule explicitly restricting sexual relations with clients was first adopted in 1994. Interference with Privacy is a term that can apply to several distinct gross misdemeanor and felony crimes in Minnesota. Order the lawyer to pay restitutionin the form of moneyto the client. Interference with Privacy is a term that can apply to several distinct gross misdemeanor and felony crimes in Minnesota.