A common belief is that the attorney-client relationship is terminated on the date a court grants an attorney's motion to withdraw. In this article, we'll explain when and how you should terminate your lawyer-client relationship.We'll even provide a sample termination letter. In the disengagement letter, the lawyer should warn the client of applicable time limitations, deadlines, and uncompleted investigation or casework. The attorney may send a letter or email correspondence if that is how they communicate with the client, telling the client they are withdrawing from the case. Sending a file closing letter at the conclusion of legal representation can satisfy one prong of the statute of limitations for a legal malpractice claim. Here are some suggested steps to facilitate the process of closing a practice. Establish a target date for closing the practice. ➢ Discuss how a lawyer clearly defines the scope of representation in a retainer or engagement letter. The motion must state that notice of the withdrawal has been given to the party, client or representative.