In the disengagement letter, the lawyer should warn the client of applicable time limitations, deadlines, and uncompleted investigation or casework. Writing a termination letter to an attorney requires clarity, formality, and a record of the decision to end the legal representation.This article addresses the rules governing California lawyers who seek to withdraw or disengage from representing a client in civil proceedings. Where your client consents to your withdrawal, have them sign a Substitution of Attorney (in California it's Judicial Council Form MC-050). In accordance with Local Rule. Most attorneys automatically withdraw after 61 days (check your decree). You should be advised that there is more work after final hearing though. Clear Documentation: It furnishes a formal record of the cessation of a specific attorney-client relationship, which can be beneficial for future reference. Most attorneys automatically withdraw after 61 days (check your decree). You should be advised that there is more work after final hearing though.