The Philadelphia Bar Association's Client-Lawyer Fee Dispute Resolution Program offers FREE mediation and arbitration services to clients and lawyers. ONLINE. To file a complaint, fill out the electronic form below.For FAQs related to the complaint process, click here. Calculating attorney fees can be complicated, depending on the type of case and the type of fee agreement the attorney has with their client. A Philadelphia class action lawsuits lawyer can help you gather these documents and ensure that you file it on time. Looking for a class action attorney in Philadelphia? Our team of reputable lawyers have recovered millions in class action lawsuits. If you were to file a claim yourself in the Philadelphia Municipal Court, you would have to go to their office, which is on Chestnut Street, on the 10th floor. Call (215) 866-2424 for a free, confidential consultation. Our attorneys represent clients in a class action lawsuits involving injury or death from a product, automobile, or pharmaceutical liability.