In this article, we will discuss the concept of lawyerclient privilege in California, its importance, requirements, exceptions, and how to maintain it. The "attorney-client privilege" protects communications between the lawyer and the client.Explore the intricacies of attorney-client privilege in California business litigation with LawPLA. Protect your business with knowledgeable legal counsel. The purpose of the privilege is to permit clients to obtain confidential legal advice and to encourage candor between lawyers and clients. This is a long-standing legal principle known as attorney-client privilege, which means that communication between attorneys and clients is confidential. But the court cannot conduct an in camera review of documents that the local agency contends are subject to the attorney client privilege. City Attorney, Riverside. When the client is a corporation, the question of whose communications are privileged can be difficult to answer in practice. A corporation's right to assert the attorney-client privilege is not absolute.