OCRA provides free legal information, advice, and representation to regional center clients. Intake Line: 916-340-6080 from 9 a.m.To noon and from p.m. The CRA is responsible for ensuring that the rights of each resident of a DDS state-operated facility are guaranteed, protected, and asserted. Office of Clients' Rights Advocacy 1831 K Street Sacramento, CA 95811. Phone: (916) 504-5958 EFax: (916) 504-5821. We encourage you to partner with your health care providers in sharing knowledge about your condition and treatment plan. For legal assistance call 800-776-5746 or fill out our Short Term Assistance Request Form. We will contact you in 2-3 days. Children's Law Center of California (CLC) provides skilled legal representation for abused, neglected, or abandoned children in the foster care system.