An attorney-client relationship is essentially formed when the attorney agrees to represent the client and move forward with the client. 1 Advising or Assisting the Violation of Law Rule 1.3 Diligence Rule 1.4 Communication with Clients Rule 1.4.The attorney-client relationship affords a distinct, invaluable right to have communications protected from compelled disclosure to any third party. At its core, the attorney-client relationship is a professional bond between a lawyer and their client. The Restatement (Third) of the Law. When a party seeking legal advice consults an attorney at law and secures that advice, the relation of attorney and client is established prima facie. After the consultation, many clients want legal representation right away. The attorneyclient privilege protects certain confidential communications between lawyers and their clients. Reasonable communication between the lawyer and the client is necessary for the client effectively to participate in the representation. Yes, a client and an attorney can be related.