Need a San Antonio sexual harassment lawyer? Then contact the Law of Jeffrey A. Goldberg for a free case review.A Texas jury has found a former San Antonio criminal defense attorney guilty of having sex with his clients in exchange for legal services. For a free consultation with a Sex Crimes Victims Attorney in San Antonio call (210) 960-3939 and ask to speak with our Sexual Assault Lawyer. Reach out to a San Antonio solicitation lawyer if you were accused of offering money or something of value for sex. If you or a loved one is facing criminal charges for sex crimes, a San Antonio sex crimes attorney from Hoelscher Gebbia Cepeda, PLLC can help. A good attorneyclient relationship is a twoway street. Ideally, both parties work together to achieve the best possible outcome. It can be possible to shield a prior conviction from background checks. Contact our San Antonio petitions for non-disclosure lawyers now.