Our panel of arbitration specialists can assist in resolving disputes over attorney fees. For information please contact the Bar Office at 909 885 1986.The State Bar can help you resolve a problem with attorney fees through an informal, confidential and lower-cost alternative called Mandatory Fee Arbitration. COMPLETE all pages of the Request for Arbitration of a Fee Dispute form. If necessary, include additional pages to describe the fee dispute. To start a Small Claims suit, you need to file the Plaintiff's Claim and Order to Go to Small Claims Court (Form SC-100). Our San Bernardino and Riverside California attorney always offers a FREE phone consultation. The general or default rule that applies to litigants in California is that each party to the lawsuit or arbitration pays his or her (or its) own attorney fees. For the best legal representation in San Bernardino, call our California personal injury attorneys at (909) 436-4610 immediately. Generally, in California, each party to a lawsuit must pay their own attorney fees incurred in a lawsuit.