Our Patient Advocates provide support and a voice for San Diegans who are receiving (or have received) behavioral health services. Please call (858) 272-5777 for more information.OCRA provides free legal information, advice, and representation to regional center clients. Toll-free phone numbers begin with 1-800, 1-866, 1-877, and 1-888. If you need a TTY and there is not one listed, you can call 7-1-1. You can also check out local support groups or community organizations focused on health—they often have resources or contacts for advocates. Call our Patient Advocacy team toll-free at (800) 479-2233 or our local line at (619) 282-1134. Address, 5151 Murphy Canyon Road, Suite 110. We can help you apply for Social Security disability benefits Application, Appeal and Hearings. We have been involved in this area of law for many years.