OCRA provides free legal information, advice, and representation to regional center clients. Please call (858) 272-5777 for more information.Contact the San Diego County Bar Association Legal Referral and Information Service (LRIS) at 1-800-464-1529 for referral to a private attorney. Resources for San Diego County. Toll-free phone numbers begin with 1-800, 1-866, 1-877, and 1-888. You can also check out local support groups or community organizations focused on health—they often have resources or contacts for advocates. Affordable Housing Advocates is a nonprofit provider of free legal services. We represent tenants and organizations, in individual and impact cases. Our Patient Advocates provide support and a voice for San Diegans who are receiving (or have received) behavioral health services. Call 1-877-534-2524 to see if you qualify.