A departing attorney has an ethical obligation along with the existing firm to assure that clients are informed that the lawyer is leaving the firm. You can complete a complaint form online or download a PDF complaint form from the State Bar's website.The court held that a plaintiff asserting a tortious interference claim involving an atwill contract must plead an independently wrongful act. I received an email from my ex's attorney saying that if I did not respond to her email that she had advised her client to withhold visitation. Interference with an attorney's further relationship with his longstanding clients against the opposing party in the underlying action. This unlawful act can be detrimental to business relationships, resulting in the loss of economic benefits and other significant repercussions. Contact a California Business Interference and Unfair Competition Lawyer. This answer does not constitute an attorneyclient relationship. Legal Consult Recommended. Therefore, please refrain from sending any confidential information to us until such time as an attorney-client relationship has been established.