• There must be an expectation that the communication will not be disclosed. Attorneyclient privilege is a legal concept that ensures communications between a client and their lawyer are confidential and protected from disclosure.Is the Attorney Investigator Acting in the Capacity of an Attorney? Litigation privilege serves as a shield for parties involved in legal proceedings. For example, communications directly between a client and the client's consultant or expert outside the context of attorney-client communications are not. The attorneyclient privilege is a way to address communication to your outside or inhouse counsel when you need to send a message (ie, letter or email) This publication is not intended to provide legal advice but to provide general information on legal matters. Those courts reason that a client seeking to avoid this disclosure can simply pay in a form other than cash. To get started, fill out the form or call us at 310.955. Attorneyclient privilege allows you to seek advice from your attorney without having to fear that your conversations will be disclosed.