An attorney-client relationship is essentially formed when the attorney agrees to represent the client and move forward with the client. 1 Advising or Assisting the Violation of Law Rule 1.3 Diligence Rule 1.4 Communication with Clients Rule 1.4.As the client, your first major responsibility is to work out the manner in which you will continue your personal relationship with your partner or spouse. Attorneyclient privilege is a legal concept that ensures communications between a client and their lawyer are confidential and protected from disclosure. Preserving the confidentiality of client information contributes to the trust that is the hallmark of the client-lawyer relationship. Definition. The attorney-client relationship is a legal bond that forms when a client engages an attorney to provide legal representation and advice. This relationship is a critical partnership, where your attorney not only represents you but also provides essential guidance and support. Madan's practice is primarily focused on helping people with family law cases who are looking to avoid drawn out and highly contentious court battles. Please fill out the form below to request your consultation. In California, attorney-client privilege is defined under Evidence Code Section 954.