OCRA provides free legal information, advice, and representation to regional center clients. Call 1-800-854-7784.Health care programs and services. Your Victim Advocate will link you with local resources, provide you with case updates, and support you during court hearings and testimony. For help with a legal problem involving Housing, Public Benefits, or Consumer Law, please call our Legal Advice Line for assistance. If you are in Santa Clara County, call 408-729-9700 to make an appointment. Dial 7-1-1 or from TTY dial 1-800-735-2929 or visit California Relay Service for more information. Dial 7-1-1 or from TTY dial 1-800-735-2929 or visit California Relay Service for more information. Evelyn Cortes is a Clients' Rights Advocate who works with Central Valley Regional Center consumers and their families. Who can fill out an Advance Directive?