To schedule your free initial consultation, fill out our online form or call us directly at (408) 687-9155. Complete this form if you are interested in having the Entrepreneurs' Law Clinic (ELC) provide legal services to your business.Dedicated San Jose Attorneys, Serving Santa Clara, San Mateo, and Alameda Counties. The mission of Magdalena Law Group is to help people. Complete the contact form or call us at (408) 287-2030 or (831) 638-1082 to schedule your consultation. Call (408) 573-5700 - Silicon Valley Law Group is dedicated to serving our clients with a range of legal services including Business and Corporate cases. This Code of Professionalism is adopted to apply to all lawyers who practice in Santa Clara County. As lawyers, we owe duties of professionalism to our clients. Fill out our consultation form (Family Law Form or Immigration Form) and schedule an appointment ( Schedule Online). Contact us now for a consultation.