Fill out the form below so that we might pair you with the best lawyer to suit your needs. Our system generates one referral per customer per 24-hour period.We will refer you to a Dallas area attorney (includes Plano and Collin County, Texas). Call Bryan Wilson, The Texas Law Hawk today at (817) 440-3953 or contact us online to schedule a meeting with our personal injury attorney in Fort Worth! Just complete the form below or call 817-605-1010. Call our Fort Worth lawyers today at (817) 435-4970 to schedule your complimentary consultation. Family Law Attorney Near Fort Worth - Tarrant County Divorce Lawyer. Call Now: (817) 601-5345 Or fill out the short form below. We will usually respond within 1 business day but often do so the same day. Fill out the contact form or call us at (972) 584-9382 to schedule your free consultation.