The Court held that a nonlawyer consultant acted as a "lawyer's representative" and documents at issue were privileged. Rule 503 continues the longstanding tradition of protecting attorneyclient privilege in order to facilitate honest and complete communication.The Attorney -- Client Privilege - Texas. • Texas codified the attorney-client privilege in Rule 503 of the TRE. In Texas, the attorneyclient privilege is a legal safeguard that protects confidential communications between attorneys and their clients. Godfrey, Recent Developments: The Revised AttorneyClient Privilege for Corporations in Texas, 30. TEX. The attorney-client privilege is waived when the communication is made in the presence of, or communicated to, a third party. If the purpose is legal advice, the communication is privileged if it's confidential and between lawyer and client. Even though suit has not yet been filed, you retain several experts as consultants to assist you in the evaluation and defense of these expected suits. Were it otherwise the client would be reluctant to confide in legal counsel.