Often, Virginia attorneys are willing to provide a prospective client an initial consultation for a low fee or possibly even no fee. A lawyer shall keep a client reasonably informed about the status of a matter and promptly comply with reasonable requests for information.A complete guide to Virginia attorney referral fee rule - learn how to ethically split fees between attorneys. Appointed lawyer must return the client's files to the client upon request after being fired. You will need to contact the state bar association, one to get them to help you find an attorney, and for them to start doing an investigation. There is no test a lawyer must pass or certification processes a lawyer must complete before the lawyer can claim to practice in a particular area of law. Practitioners shall properly manage and keep timely, accurate, legible, and complete client records. A lawyer may not refuse to let a former client or the former client's new lawyer know the contents of the client's file in the lawyer's possession. Throughout the Hampton Roads region, we have delivered exceptional results that benefit our clients in the short and long term. Virginia lawyers who fight for our clients.