Serving as patient advocate for a loved on receiving medical care can be stressful. Use these tips to help prepare and ease the process.You can search for an advocacy group that helps with medical bills in your state or for a particular disease or condition you have. A client advocate is broadly an employee or a centralized office which advocates for the client's wants and needs, whatever they may be. A patient advocate is to provide patients and caregivers with the support and education they need so they can make their own decisions about their next steps. Our Client programs span all market segments, medical specialties, and geographic regions. To become an advocate, fill out the form and we'll contact you. The Patient Relations staff can assist in completing the document if so desired. Client Advocates provide individuals, families, and groups with the psychosocial support needed to cope with chronic, acute, or terminal illnesses. Enter patient and health advocates an objective, yet trusted resource who can help patients and families make such decisions.