Individuals with Medicaid-funded insurance have participant rights under WAC 246-341-0600. As a client of ALTSA and the Department of Social and Health Services, you have the right to: Receive reasonable accommodations and assistance.Advocacy Strategies – Building a Community Plan is a booklet filled with tools for strengthening advocacy efforts. You can search for an advocacy group that helps with medical bills in your state or for a particular disease or condition you have. The first thing you need to do is file a complaint with your health plan. Follow the steps below to file a complaint and appeal with your health plan. Disability Rights Washington is a private non-profit organization that protects the rights of people with disabilities statewide. You have the right to register any concerns you or your family may have about your care. Learn how an advance directive for mental health treatment works. The right to file a grievance regarding your care or treatment without being retaliated against.