The Criminal History Record Information Act forbids criminal convictions from being considered as part of the employment hiring decision process. Discover how to conduct background checks in Pennsylvania while staying compliant with state and federal laws in this complete guide.This webpage contains resources for job applicants and employees with an arrest or conviction record, and employers who are considering whether to hire them. The law protects workers from experiencing discrimination in the workplace, including harassment or prejudicial treatment. More specifically, to deny employment because of a person's criminal record, the employer must specify how the conviction would directly affect the job. Follow these instructions to file a summary appeal of traffic offenses, truancy, summary ordinances and summary crime code violations. Summary: Under this law, both public and private sector employers are not permitted to refuse to hire people with criminal records outright. Uninsurability or increased cost of insurance under a group or employee insurance plan does not render a disability job-related. DISCRIMINATION. Job applicants with criminal records face many challenges and bias in the hiring process. In Allegheny County, you can get the form from the Department of Court Records, Criminal Division at the address above.