4. A written report to ChildLine is preferred; it shall be entered electronically in. CWIS (Child Welfare Information Solution5) portal.The Family Division, Dependency and Related Services Department is responsible for hearing cases in which a child is alleged to be neglected or abused. Call ChildLine at 1-800-932-0313. If you suspect child abuse or neglect, call ChildLine. This written notice serves to inform the individual that they will be listed in the ChildLine Abuse Registry and of their right to appeal the determination. If your custody rights were taken away as part of the protection order, you may have to re-negotiate custody and visitation arrangements once the order expires. DHS presents the completed 2019 Annual Child Protective Services Report. This general jurisdiction extends to child welfare cases, among many others. Part V summarizes cases that interpret the Juvenile Act and the Child Protective Services Law.