A real example of discrimination in the workplace could be if an employee is discriminated against because of her pregnancy. Unequal Pay: Paying someone less than their colleagues for the same work because of their gender, race, or other protected characteristic.To "discriminate" against someone means to treat that person differently, or less favorably, for some reason. Discrimination is defined as an Unfavorable Action taken because of an individual's actual or perceived Protected Category. Learn the essential steps to prove workplace discrimination in California. Refusal to hire applicants based on race, age, sex, or other personal qualities. Discrimination laws in the California workplace are supposed to protect employees from unfair treatment, especially when it comes to hiring and firing. Workplace discrimination in the United States came to light in the mid-20th century with the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Protected characteristics are attributes employers cannot discriminate against, such as age, race, gender, religion, disability and national origin. In plain English, to discriminate means distinguishing, singling out, or making a distinction.