Title VII prohibits employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex and national origin. However, according to the Comcast ruling, the standard applied in Title VII cases is no longer the model for determining Section 1981 claims.Title VII and Section 1981 prohibit employers from retaliating against employees because they have engaged in statutorily protected activity. Numbering of Title VII Instructions. 2. 5.0 Title VII Introductory Instruction. 3. Section 1981 grants individuals the right to make and enforce contracts, regardless of race. Justice Gorsuch noted that Congress added the "motivating factor" test to Title VII in 1991, at the same time it amended Section 1981. §1981 (Section 1981) creates a federal cause of action for individuals claiming intentional racial discrimination. Applies to Section 1981 actions in the same manner as in Title VII actions). In comparison, Title VII and the ADA require 15 or more employees, and the ADEA requires 20 employees.