Most employers in New York City are not allowed to deny you a job, suspend you, or fire you because of your pending arrest or criminal conviction. NYC Commission on Human Rights Legal Enforcement Guidance on the Fair Chance Act and Employment Discrimination on the Basis of Criminal History.This document addresses Title VII's application to the use of arrest or conviction records in employment decisions. Before you act on that concern, it is important that you understand Wisconsin's law with respect to the use of arrest or conviction records in hiring decisions. The City Human Rights Law makes it illegal for most employers in New York City to ask about the criminal record of job applicants before making a job offer. If the conviction occurred more than 7 years ago, you can honestly answer "No" to the question. It all depends on the wording. The Republican governor's action will remove the box on state job application forms that asks job seekers whether they have criminal records. Information on how NYS residents can obtain their own criminal history record, and FAQs regarding expungement and Certificates of Relief and Good Conduct. Employees violating this strict confidence will be discipline, up to and including termination of employment.