Seyfarth Synopsis: Fifth Circuit rules on Title VII liability concerning workplace violence in a healthcare setting involving third parties. Numbering of Title VII Instructions. 2.5.0 Title VII Introductory Instruction. 3. The U.S. Supreme Court Finally Addresses Discrimination Against LGBTQ Employees: What the Court's Opinion Means and Where Employers Go From Here. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act requires healthcare employers to protect their medical staff and employees from harassment and discrimination. By the same rationale, persons requesting religious accommodation under Title VII are protected against retaliation for making such requests. She filed suit under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act and Title VII for discrimination and retaliation. Transgender Health Discrimination Not Recognized in the 2020 Rule. Under Title VII, employers with 15 or more employees are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, religion, and sex. 1998) (defining "employee" under Title VII as one who receives compensation from an employer).