Fits under the ADA and Title VII requirements. -Should employees be asked to waive liability to return to work?-Can employers require an employee get the COVID-19 vaccine before returning to work? Va.: Only some UVA Health employees can pursue Title VII claims arising from COVID vaccine mandate, (Mar 27, 2024). An individual wishing to file a complaint based on disability should use the complaint form identified in the Fairfax County Government Complaint Procedure. Vaccines are administered at retail pharmacies, including Walgreens, Walmart and CVS, clinics and other locations, such as doctor's offices. Civil Rights Act of 1964--Title VII. Students must fill out pages 1 and 2 of the George Mason Certificate of Immunization. Vaccinations – Title VII and Religious Objections to COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates. If you are a veteran, the Department of Veterans Affairs offers COVID19 vaccinations at VA facilities.