Title VII applies to employers with 15 or more employees working 20 or more weeks a year. Hennepin County's diversity policy promotes non-discrimination and a respectful workplace, as well as a commitment to inclusion as an employer.Hennepin County values differences and recognizes similarities among employees, volunteers, union representatives, clients, customers and vendors. HOUSING COURT RULES-HENNEPIN AND RAMSEY COUNTIES. Rule. 15 requires students to complete comprehensive sexual violence prevention training. 6 Maureen E. Brady, The Illusory Promise of General Property Law, 132 YALE L.J.F. 1010,. Final candidates may be required to complete a background check. All Rights Reserved. Interns spend approximately 9 months in our clinical laboratory training school, completing classroom and hands-on clinical laboratory bench training. Title VII, therefore, preempts the Data Practices Act's requirement that personnel information be provided only in response to a court order.