Title VII includes an exemption for religious organizations so that they can consider religion when they select their staff. Religious Beliefs; Religious Organization Exemption Under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; and Policy Statement on.If a person or business has discriminated against you because of protected classes, the Hillsborough County Human Rights Ordinance protects you. Click here to view the Property Owner Bill of Rights. If not for the Civil Rights Act of 1964, religious exemptions may have never been a factor we needed to consider when it came to mandatory vaccinations. —A patient who is eligible to vote according to the laws of the state has the right to vote in the primary and general elections. The official web site for the city of Manchester, NH covering all local government news and information. CONDADO DE HILLSBOROUGH: el Hillsborough County Sherrif. The official web site for the city of Manchester, NH covering all local government news and information. County governmentLaw and legislationGeorgia. 2.