Direct discrimination. This means treating someone less favourably than someone else because of a protected characteristic.Discrimination, the intended or accomplished differential treatment of persons or social groups for reasons of certain generalized traits. To end discrimination in housing, education, employment, and lending, nondiscrimination laws needed to be enacted and scrupulously enforced. There are multiple ways that discrimination can occur in employment. How do you believe that the two laws that prohibited segregation and racial discrimination in voting changed the lives of African Americans? Discrimination is when you suffered adverse employment actions due to your membership of a protected class, such as race, gender, national origin, age, etc. However, there are often differences between the legal definitions of discrimination and what people may experience as discriminatory. The Fair Housing Act became law on April 11, 1968, just days after King's assassination. However, there are often differences between the legal definitions of discrimination and what people may experience as discriminatory.