Applies to Section 1981 actions in the same manner as in Title VII actions). 136. Key tips to help prove your employment race discrimination case using either or both Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and Section 1981.Unlike Title VII, Section 1981 does not contain a specific statutory provision prohibiting retaliation. This document addresses Title VII's prohibition on race or color discrimination in employment, including disparate treatment, harassment, and other topics. Section 1981 grants individuals the right to make and enforce contracts, regardless of race. To succeed on claim for race discrimination under Title VII or Section 1981, an employee must establish purposeful discrimination. , 614 F.2d 520, 528 (5th Cir. Thus, the court held, the award of backpay pursuant to Title VII was excludable from gross income under section 104(a)(2). Nonpecuniary losses arising out of a willful violation of the ADEA. 25, 2011) ("In the employment context, the same substantive analysis applies to § 1981 and Title VII claims of retaliation.