Title VII's accommodation requirement only applies to religious beliefs that are "sincerely held. Religious organizations that are subject to Title VII are exempt only from the ban on religious discrimination in employment.Title VII includes an exemption for religious organizations so that they can consider religion when they select their staff. Title VII prohibits federal agencies from discriminating against employees or applicants for employment because of their religious beliefs. This article provides a brief outline of the private 1 employer's obligations whenever an employee requests a reasonable accommodation for a religious belief. The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission handles charges of religious discrimination in employment that violate federal Title VII. Part II explores the background of courts' attempts to define religion in the context of Title VII. Religious discrimination is prohibited in the workplace. Such policies exacerbate anti-Black bias in employment, at school, while playing sports, and in other areas of daily living. Employers implement a drugfree workplace policy need to keep in mind Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.