If you suspect a child has been harmed or is at risk, please dial 1-800-342-3720, to report what you have seen or heard. You can make a difference.An order of custody gives responsibility for the care, control and maintenance of a child to one or both of the child's parents or to another party. My employer reported me to cps saying I restrained a child. This is what happened. Plaintiff Karen Peterson filed a pro se complaint against Child Protective Services (CPS) and Jefferson County Public Schools (JCPS). Child Support issues can be stressful and there are parent support groups that can help you cope with this process. Social Security Act, Title IV, Part A, Sec. 402(a). Hours of Operation (Except for Court Holidays): Monday – Friday a.m. DOJ and HHS have investigated a number of complaints alleging race, color, and national origin discrimination in the child welfare system.