Employees who desire to file a complaint may use the link below to access an EEO Complaint Dynamic Form to provide important and necessary information. You may file a complaint using either the Client Discrimination Complaint (J-020) form or you may write or type your own statement.Discrimination: Different treatment in the terms, conditions, and privileges of employment because of an individual's Protected Characteristic. Community Legal Services (CLS) provides legal assistance, advice or representation, self-help materials and legal education so people can know their rights. Black, Indigenous, and Latinx residents faced racial discrimination in housing, education, and employment throughout the twentieth century. Lawful immigration status means they have legal authority to be in the United States and also have the authority to go to school while in the United States. Lawful immigration status means they have legal authority to be in the United States and also have the authority to go to school while in the United States. Do you know Arizona's minimum wage? Find out more information here. The Maricopa County Sheriff's Office (MCSO) is a law enforcement agency in Maricopa County, Arizona that was involved in a number of controversies.