Employees who desire to file a complaint may use the link below to access an EEO Complaint Dynamic Form to provide important and necessary information. What is the basis of the discrimination?Mark all that apply. To file a complaint, you may complete one of the following two options: File a complaint online. To use the Clerk's Grievance Procedure, this form must be submitted to the ADA Coordinator within sixty (60) days from the alleged discrimination. Form can be used to make a record of the employee's allegations. To find out if you qualify for WIOA funds, please visit this page: For Maricopa County residents, fill out an intake form. Step 1: Student must secure an offer of employment and have the supervisor complete and submit the Student Employment Assignment (SEA) form to Human Resources. It is clear to the Court that the EEOC had no evidence of discrimination when it filed the case against Defendant Maricopa County. We offer a variety of opportunities to engage with talented students through job fairs, internships, and various community initiatives.