If you believe that you have experienced or are experiencing age discrimination, you should first contact the EEO. To file a discrimination complaint, complete a Discrimination Complaint Form.If you feel that you have been discriminated against in an employment situation based on your age, contact our Maryland Employment Discrimination Lawyers. Montgomery County laws prohibit discrimination in employment based on age protecting people who are 18 and older in accepting job applications. A Charge of Discrimination can be completed through our EEOC Public Portal after you submit an online inquiry and we interview you. Maryland law protects you from workplace discrimination, harassment, and retaliation. Let our attorneys protect you against a hostile work environment. The Age Discrimination Act of 1975 prohibits discrimination on the basis of age in programs and activities receiving federal financial assistance. For most Maryland employees, the filing deadline is 300 days from the date the discrimination or retaliation took place. A plaintiff suing under the ADEA must show that "but for" age discrimination, the adverse employment action would not have occurred.