Learn about the different kinds of discrimination that can happen in the workplace and how you are protected under Massachusetts law. To speak to an officer about workplace discrimination, you can call 68380969 during office hours from 8.30am to 5.30pm.Report on Workplace Harassment. A new workplace fairness bill was introduced in the Singapore Parliament on 12 November 2024 (the "Bill"). An aggrieved employee may file a complaint of employment discrimination with TAFEP. TAFEP will first counsel the employer to improve its employment practices. Singapore does not currently have any legislation which expressly prohibits discrimination per se. At Gordon Law Group LLP, we are dedicated to helping employees understand their rights and take action against discrimination in the workplace. Special thanks to copresenters Jose Larroque, Ma. Rosario Lombera, and Javiera MedinaReza. Aspen Publishing produces high quality, pedagogically rich, market-leading textbooks covering every discipline in law.