Title VII provides a framework for the regulation of swap markets, which were largely responsible for the 2008 financial crisis. On July 21,2010, President Obama signed the DoddFrank Wall Street Reform and.Consumer Protection Act (the "Dodd-Frank Act"). 1. Title VII of the Dodd-Frank Act contains the US framework regulating OTC derivatives (swaps), including its G20 commitments for the reporting, clearing and. U Thant, asking him to undertake a more thorough inquiry in the direction of reaching the negotiating table, to the end that an honorable truce could be. Reserve Act (12 U.S.C. §§ 123(a)(1), 602, and 611a); and sec tions 11 3,1 65,312,61 8, and 809 of the DoddFrankAcl (12 U.S,C. They claim she's soft on abortion and the equal rights amendment. I'm not going to belabor those is- sues. Injuries to which conservators may be prone in the course of their work are of several different types. Probably the most common are cumulative trauma disorders.