Complete the online Pre-Complaint Inquiry Form and a staff member will be in touch with you shortly. The Miami-Dade County Human Rights Ordinance requires employers to provide reasonable accommodations to disabled employees if they have at least five employees.There are strict deadlines for filing a charge of discrimination, please review the information in the timeliness tab or call 1-800-669-4000. Similarly, the Miami-Dade County Human Rights Ordinance prohibits discrimination on the basis of pregnancy, among other protected characteristics. Please call our employment law offices at 305-375-9510 or fill out the form below to arrange a consultation. If you are dealing with pregnancy discrimination at work, find out how the experienced attorneys at Gallup Auerbach in South Florida can help you. Experienced discrimination at work for being pregnant? In Florida, women are now protected against workplace discrimination on the basis of pregnancy. MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS. If you feel you've been discriminated against because a pregnancy, please call our Florida pregnancy discrimination employment attorney at 954-617-6017.