Discrimination means that an individual (or group) is being treated unfairly or unequally based on a protected characteristic. Overview of policy, terms, definitions as it pertains to discrimination and discriminatory harassment per Minnesota State policy.The term "discriminate" includes segregate or separate and, for purposes of discrimination based on sex, it includes sexual harassment. Subd. 14. Disability discrimination takes place when an applicant or employee is treated less favorably in the workplace because of a current or perceived disability. In addition, the action must be committed in a specified "area" of life, such as employment or housing. Sexual orientation discrimination occurs when an employer treats an employee unfavorably because of their sexual orientation. The EEO laws also cover "associational discrimination. A charge of discrimination generally must be filed within 180 days of the alleged discrimination. Sex or gender discrimination is treating individuals differently in their employment specifically because an individual is a woman or a man. Stereotypes can be based on race, ethnicity, age, gender, sexual orientationalmost any characteristic.