The declaration option does not require notarization; you need only fill in the blanks with the date and your location (city, state), and sign the declaration. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is the federal agency responsible for enforcing Title VII.Fill out the complaint form, answering all of the questions completely. Pursuant to Education Law 3020, tenured educators have the right to retain their positions and may only be terminated if there is "just cause. To obtain help with budgeting time effectively, visit or call the Educational Counseling Office in Room 19, Nassau Hall. (EEOC) enforces federal anti-discrimination laws, including Title VII. Title VII prohibits sex discrimination in employment, and Title IX prohibits sex discrimination in educational programs and activities. Title VII prohibits employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex and national origin. Do you wish to claim regular veterans credits? The complainant is not required to fill out this form.