Customers or clients may file a complaint using the NC DSS Civil Rights Complaint Form. 1972 amendments to Title VII extend coverage to all state and local governments, governmental agencies, political subdivisions.You may be entitled to compensation if you have been discriminated against in the workplace. When a report alleges abuse or neglect in a child care facility as defined in Article 7 of Chapter 110 of the General. If allegations of child abuse and neglect have led to a CPS or DSS investigation, let our attorneys ease your fears. They can, but there may (or may not) be consequences if the employer is not operating in a way consistent with labor law. Juvenile court is part of the District Court division of the North Carolina state court system. Citation: CPS Assessments Policy, Protocol, and Guidance; Form DSS-5231. I reside in north carolina. Recently a cps worker showed up at my door to do a "family assessment" saying that.