To discriminate means to treat those people in some way differently than other people who are not in the same class. A charge of discrimination is a signed statement asserting that an employer, union or labor organization engaged in employment discrimination.Discrimination literally means recognizing the difference between one thing and another thing. And we do it all the time. Generally, discrimination means less favorable workplace conditions bases on an employee's membership in one or more of the protected groups listed below. If you believe you were subjected to discrimination, harassment, or retaliation, CRD may be able to investigate and help you resolve your complaint. For example, a pregnant woman who is laid off – while another, less-qualified employee is not – is likely a case of disparate treatment. Race discrimination is treating individuals differently in their employment because of their race. The purpose of the Discrimination Complaint Form is for anyone who believes they have been subjected to discrimination, intimidation or retaliation. There is no exact rule for what this means, and the size and resources of the employer is a major factor.