Fill out the contact form or call us at (510) 645-1585 to schedule your free consultation. Our lawyers have 30 years of experience filing discrimination and retaliation claims on behalf of police officers, firefighters and first responders.If you would like to file a discrimination, harassment or retaliation complaint, complete and submit the Intake Assessment Form. Do California Laws Apply to OutofState Independent Contractors? An Oakland Employment Discrimination Law Attorney is committed to protecting employees' rights and holding employers accountable. Based on these facts, the supervisors' harassing conduct toward Shawn is based on his color. 3. For 30 years, our Oakland lawyers have been filing CA and federal employment claims when firefighters suffer discrimination or retaliation in the workplace. The new law addresses the "employment status" of workers when the hiring entity claims the worker is an independent contractor and not an employee. 1. The California state legislature recently passed AB 5, which defines who is an independent contractor and who is an employee under California law. Employees or Independent Contractors?